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Thank God, I have graduated!


It's been a while since my last post around July. Those times were pretty rough, enough for shaking me up to the lowest level. I am graduated, achieved M.Eng behind my name. I've spent 3.5 years! Can you believe that? ๐Ÿ’€Surely possible, but it sounds complicated. In 2018, I was assigned an integrated master-PhD program, but I made a big decision to cut it out at the end of the third year. For half-year, I've been transferred to a master's program; thus, I completed all requirements to graduate with a master's degree. 

I have finished my master thesis and passed the final exam. I hold my master's degree, which, believe it or not, I had dreamt this for a long time ago, even before I entered university. Back in high school, I really wanted to be a student of Physics Engineering. However, my family did not allow me to do so due to some circumstances, and I ended up in Physics Education. Yeah!๐Ÿ’†

The engineer soul in my body was still on fire, and gratefully I could continue my study in Engineering. Wohoooowww! I achieved a scholarship, flew to South Korea, and studied there. I worked hard day and night in the laboratory to catch up with every target, milestone, drowned myself like the laboratory was my second home. But, here's the thing. I knew that I loved the lab job, and I was really into it until I had always ignored a bunch of RED FLAGS!๐Ÿšฉ I would not talk about the ill-treatment that I received from my spv, but hopefully, if many students have the same situation, I just want to say, "Be kind to yourself, and you have the right to take another way."๐Ÿ˜ฉ

I was barely overwhelmed. I told myself that I had to commit to the job, but my body and soul could not handle it anymore. I had to be honest and take care of myself in a better way. Finally, I made a decision to move on. Within 6 months, I had to finish my thesis. Still, at the same time, I had to handle the undergraduate assistantship, lab projects, manuscripts for publication and made many tutorial videos. If I could split myself like an amoeba, I would definitely do that. Thank God for giving me such strength to finish all, and thanks to my listing habit, which help me to focus on completing one by one. Also, I am so grateful for a lot of encouragement and supports from my mentor, family, and close friends. I managed to complete all the assignments. When I left the lab, I have published 2 papers, submitted one more manuscript, and provided many video tutorials for the people after me. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Whenever you asked me if I regretted all those things, then I would say no. I knew it sounded stupid to waste 3.5 years for master only. I admit that I have failed to finish my PhD, but I believe that there is nothing wrong with the decision not to achieve now on the same campus. I would see it as a job, which led you to move on if intolerable situations happened. However, I am grateful that I got this opportunity. I obtained many bits of knowledge from many professors there. I learned lab skills, analytical and problem-solving skills, and even writing skills. I met good friends from many countries and enjoyed many sights seeing spots in South Korea. On top of that, I reached my high school dream many years ago. ๐Ÿ˜

August 2021, I went back to my home country to see my family again. We took a graduation photo to commemorate that I am the first generation in my family who achieve a master's degree. I spent some time healing myself both mentally and physically. I let myself rest, enjoying quality time with family and friends even though some parts of my soul always crave learning and new adventures. ๐Ÿ˜…So, within that time, I also took some online courses, built a network on LinkedIn, and looked for jobs. 

Two months later, I received good news from one of the companies in Bali. I booked a one-way ticket and packed my stuff in less than one week! So, here I am, living a new life on a beautiful island in Indonesia. ๐Ÿ’“


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Assalamualaikum Lappeenranta!

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